Wednesday, July 2, 2008

As we set out upon this sea of words, these fluid sentences.../anti-bucket list

Basically I'm a poor writer. I guess I don't have an outlet for conventional writing, and therefore I get lazy while writing stories or articles, and I keep waiting to copy-paste the chorus, throw in some oohs and aahs and call it a day. This only works for Chuck Palahniuk. Nobody likes a quitter, (and nobody quits a biker) so I guess I'll use this tool to hone my proverbial skills.

I was thinking about bucket lists. I'd like to do the opposite. I don't care about accomplishments, I want to be dead before these events:

  1. My own baldness
  2. The Bratz/Hannah Montana generation enters politics
  3. Prohibition 2.0
  4. Chris' death (I mean come on)
  5. My funeral (because they wouldn't save me a seat)
  6. Earth enters a state of peaceful coexistence and understanding (because it will have been due to my own sacrifice and martyr-ism, just watch)
  7. The Rolling Stones die. I swear those guys are just gonna keep on truckin'
  8. Robot marital aids become widely used (So that they can say I was doing it before it was mainstream)
  9. We find a viable solution to overpopulation (I just don't want to know, OK?)
  10. Jazz music becomes an urban legend (I'm guessing 2150)
More to come